More fkn Love Is Coming Soon

I'm on a quest to complete 1,000 intentional acts of kindness - tracking, documenting and sharing them along the way.

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More fkn Love Is Coming Soon

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You FKN Got This

The More fkn Love Store is Coming Soon

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The More fkn Love Backstory...

What is this?

More fkn Love is a personal quest to spread more love in the world by completing 1,000 intentional acts of kindness.

Tracking and documenting each one to share along the way.

I’m also inviting you to do some of the acts along with me and those on the receiving end will be encouraged to pay it forward to hopefully create a massive ripple of love and kindness in the world.

Why do this?

For most of my life, I struggled with crippling depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. I was completely closed off from my emotions, from love, from life itself.

I felt broken, empty, hollow.

Then, something changed.

I started learning about trauma and how so many of our deepest struggles aren’t just physical, they’re emotional.

If I really wanted to heal, I had to feel.

And that realization took me down a completely unexpected path.

One that led to a transformation that healed me in ways I never thought possible.

It was like I woke up to a whole new life.

Now, I want to use this life to be a force for fkn good, to shine my light as brightly as possible and to hopefully inspire others to do the same.

Why now?

Right now, we’re living in a time where people are more disconnected than ever – from themselves and from each other.

We’ve built a culture - especially for men - where we don’t feel safe to feel and express our emotions.

Many are craving belonging, connection, and community.

And that’s where More fkn Love was born from.

What next?

If any of this resonates with you and you want to follow along the journey, there’s a few things you can do.

1. Join the newsletter to get notified of updates

2. Follow More fkn Love on socials and share with anyone you think could benefit

3. Step in and do some of the acts of kindness yourself – I’ll be sharing the first ideas soon

4. Grab something at the MFL store (coming soon) and rep the mission out in the world

If you’re still reading this, thank you.

1,000 acts of kindness, one at a time.

Let’s fkn do this.


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